I also appear to be the sole benefactor to the Manali mosquito community. Every square inch of my body is covered in bites and they’re showing no signs of abating, with at least eight fresh ones acquired every evening. And nobody else seems to have a single one. As the nice man in the jewellery shop said while looking at my tits: “Mmmm you must have sweeeeet blood.”
Indeed. It’s just a good job there’s no malaria here or I would undoubtedly be in hospital by now.
On a less irritable note, the sun is shining and the road to Leh is now open again after a series of landslides, collapsing bridges and “some other natural disasters, madam”.
The camera, however, has still not arrived but I’ve decided to bite the bullet and go to Leh tonight anyway, leaving it in the safe hands of Manali post office.
I’m sure when the post master shrugged and did a careful Indian head wobble in response to my question of whether it will be safe, he actually meant to say: “Yes madam, of course.”
So I’ll take his word for it.
Here, have some pictures, of which the first is merely the view from my balcony of an evening:
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